Top Self-Affirmations You Need Your Child to Practice

Whether you’re a child or an adult, anyone can benefit from using positive affirmations in their daily lives. A positive affirmation is anything you say or think about yourself in a positive light to build self-esteem. When you repeat these words often, you can start to make positive changes to your daily life.

How we feel about ourselves affects our emotional and social development. It’s important children know how to create encouragement, love, and support within themselves because they will be more independent and less likely to seek validation from others. It’s crucial to start teaching children how to build positive attitudes while they’re young because it serves as a foundation for the rest of their lives, and it can play a huge part in building their confidence. At such an impressionable age, words can make or break a child’s self-esteem.

Have your child repeat these top self-affirmations every day!

1. I am beautiful inside and out.

Children often depend on their peers for validation on their inner and outer beauty. Teach them to have self-love, and understand that beauty is the eye of the beholder and what they think about themselves is what matters the most.

2. I am important.

Teaching your child to feel important will let them know their lives have meaning, and they have the potential to change the world. When children have something to look forward to, they become more self-motivated and eager to take on new responsibilities.

3. It’s okay to not know everything.

Children need to understand that it’s okay not to know it all because there’s always more for them to learn, and everyone learns at a different pace. Attempting to a be a know-it-all can act as a hindrance to their learning. If children think they know it all, they are less likely to listen to others and less open to criticism.

4. I know my talents.

Self-comparison is the thief of joy, and children often fall into that trap when it comes to evaluating their own abilities. Children often base their intelligence and talents based on what they can achieve academically and are often pressured by a sense of competition among other classmates. It’s important for them know their talents outside of the classroom as well.

5. I’ll be okay no matter what.

Even as adults, it’s hard for us to grasp the concept of thinking we’ll be okay when we go through mistakes and inconveniences. It’s important for us to both understand and teach our children that our problems won’t make or break us. Teach your child that mistakes always have a lesson. Approach mistakes as opportunities to learn something new and improve our results in the future.

6. Today is going to be a great day.

Teaching your child the importance of speaking a good day into existence breeds them into optimistic individuals. They will be less likely to have a bad day if they’ve conditioned themselves into only thinking positive thoughts. This will also improve their performance and relationships in the classroom.

Teaching Positive Self-Esteem At Silverline Montessori:

At Silverline Montessori, we take pride in helping our students become their best selves and fostering a high sense of self-esteem. It’s important to know that when it comes to raising a confident child, children need to understand that confidence comes from within. We help our students develop social skills such as collaboration and respect for others and encourage students to develop strong friendships with their peers. These healthy relationships make children feel confident and comfortable in their environment and in themselves.