Incorporating Montessori Principles into Your Daily Life

Montessori is much more than an educational style. It’s a unique way of life that extends beyond the classroom walls. It’s important that parents recognize what a Montessori lifestyle is so that they can connect the gap between home and school. As a Montessori parent, there are several key Montessori principles that you can incorporate into your daily life.


When you walk into a Montessori classroom, there is almost always an unmistakable atmosphere of peace. This is marked by certain features such as the peace corner, the peace rose, or the peace table. Parents can cultivate the Montessori principles of peace at home by getting into a regular routine so that children do not face the anxiety that comes with uncertainty. Another good way to reinforce mindfulness at home is to model meaningful, courteous behavior, such as saying “good morning” or “please.”

Spending time in nature also helps to improve a child’s sense of peace. This connection to nature can be felt by taking the time to stop somewhere with your child in order to observe nature, such as animals rustling through bushes or the sky changing as the sun sets.


Child guidance and positive discipline are important Montessori principles to practice at home. These Montessori principles teach children responsibility, help them make good choices, and promote self-control. To prevent misbehavior in a child between the ages of 3 and 6, a Montessori parent can use positive discipline by acknowledging how the child feels, asking them how they would solve the problem, and then suggesting what they could do in a similar situation that arises in the future.

For example, a conversation with your child could go something like this: “I see you’re frustrated because you wanted to have a turn playing with the truck. When you want something that someone else has, what can you do?” This problem-solving approach to disciple corrects the child’s misbehavior, while improving their critical thinking skills and guiding them in the direction of self-discipline.


There are five types of developmental activities for children that are based on Montessori principles. All five of these can easily be incorporated into your daily life.

  • Practical life activities include responsibilities such as cleaning, making snacks, washing fruits, watering plants, and scrubbing dishes.
  • Eye-hand coordination activities include tasks that involve using hands in different ways. For example, pouring water, threading necklaces, solving puzzles, and using a lock box or latch board.
  • Arts and crafts activities include painting, sewing, drawing, cutting shapes, and molding clay.
  • Language activities include reading books that focus on daily life and using baskets filled with classified objects.
  • Gross motor activities include outdoor activities such as running, jumping, and sliding, as well as indoor activities like yoga and balancing.

At Silverline Montessori, we offer children a carefully prepared learning environment rich in learning materials and experiences. We provide our students with an authentic Montessori experience that helps them become independent, learn concentration skills, and master coordination and movement. Our students learn how to become creative thinkers and problem-solvers. We believe that with the proper guidance, what your child learns in class can be reinforced at home with the right environment, discipline, and activities.