The Montessori Method – Teachers Serve as Guides

In a Montessori environment, teachers are referred to as ‘guides.’ This is because the Montessori philosophy recognizes them as collaborative members of each child’s learning process. By taking this non-traditional role, Montessori guides make room for students to manage their own classroom experience. This allows children to develop their positions in the classroom community, and encourages them to hone their own leadership skills and independence.

Montessori trained educators guide each child’s learning by:

  • Offering personal and meaningful feedback to each child.
  • Offering support and guidance as needed.
  • Not relying on harsh discipline or control to maintain a child’s focus.
  • Never dispensing false praise.
  • Encouraging learning both individually and in small groups as they work with children.
  • Leading large group activities and circle time.

Montessori guides facilitate learning, but a child’s individual passion leads his or her learning process. The Montessori philosophy puts faith in children to demonstrate what they need to learn at any given moment. Students understand where they are in their development and can best identify which activities will challenge their skills. Montessori guides know and respect this, and work alongside children to best guide them in their activities.

More in this series:

12 Ways Montessori Schools Are Different From Traditional Schools