The Montessori Method – Instinctive and Active Learning

At the core of the Montessori philosophy is the belief that a child who is fully engaged learns instinctively and effortlessly. In a Montessori environment, children don’t wait passively to be taught. Instead, they actively seek out their own lessons and follow their own passions. Students don’t practice information drills or rote memorization. Each child is free to choose the hands-on materials they would like to work with.

In a Montessori environment, learning is experiential and investigative.  Lessons are constructed to appeal to a child’s unique abilities and enthusiasms.  In addition, special emphasis is placed on puzzles and problem-solving to help children build critical thinking skills. Dr. Montessori recognized that there are many ways of learning and information sharing – therefore Montessori classrooms offer a wide variety of activities and materials.

Montessori schools emphasize:

  • Immersion learning
  • Independent investigation
  • Multi-sensory instruction
  • Embodied education

These approaches to education support the philosophy that movement and learning are tied together. Our students are free to move through the classroom as they see fit. If they are thirsty, they may help themselves to a drink of water. If they would like to share something they’ve learned with a friend, they’re encouraged to go to that friend. Montessori education supports the belief that an ability to move about the classroom encourages a deeper concentration that is at the core of the Montessori philosophy.

More in this series:

12 Ways Montessori Schools Are Different From Traditional Schools