The Montessori Method – Inspiring Love for the Natural World

Many of the learning materials in Montessori classrooms focus on the natural sciences and encourage environmental exploration. A significant amount of Montessori work is performed outdoors where students can interact with the native ecology of their community.

Students can take teacher-guided nature walks through the neighborhood surrounding the school, they may create their own composting bin or germinate seeds, or they might observe a caterpillar as it forms a cocoon and emerges as a butterfly.

By allowing students to learn outdoors and participate in activities that encourage a love and appreciation for the environment, Montessori schools seek to inspire:

  • Lifelong environmental citizens.
  • Responsible citizens who will carry this respect for the natural world into their lives as they mature.
  • Protectors and caretakers of our environment.

More in this series:

12 Ways Montessori Schools Are Different From Traditional Schools