The Montessori Method – Engaging a Variety of Learning Styles

The Montessori philosophy recognizes that each child learns best in his or her own way, at his or her own pace. For this reason, within a Montessori environment there is a variety of engaging settings and activities available to appeal to varying interests and tastes.

There are learning centers where lessons can be completed alone or in small groups, as well as fieldwork excursions led by an instructor where children learn as a class. This variety not only ensures that each child’s unique learning needs are being met, but it also helps young learners develop more flexible thinking strategies.

Montessori classrooms have high expectations for all students, not just a select few. Once a child masters a new skill, he or she is encouraged to progress to the next level. In this way, students have the ability to:

  • Set their own pace for learning.
  • Discover what holds his or her interests.
  • Set the rate for their own advancement.
  • Achieve their individual learning potential.

In a Montessori environment, students demonstrate what truly engages them. Educators can observe each child’s natural tendencies, helping them better motivate and inspire each one to reach their full potential. Children are not told how to learn but instead let their natural intelligence guide them to the varied activities available in the classroom.

More in this series:

12 Ways Montessori Schools Are Different From Traditional Schools