The Montessori Method – Creating Global Citizens

Dr. Montessori had a strong belief that children are the key to a better future for this planet. For this reason, the Montessori approach actively encourages kindness and peace in each student.  The importance of good manners, a helpful attitude, and appreciation for a job well done are emphasized. In a Montessori environment, peace begins with the smallest courtesies.

Through Montessori’s unique learning approach:

  • Children learn to be collaborators instead of competitors.
  • Children don’t strive only to earn the best grade in the classroom. They learn to work with their peers in tandem.
  • Students don’t shout, bully, or use force to get their way. They learn that kindness, gentleness, and respect are more effective behavioral tools.

In this way, children in a Montessori environment are encouraged to approach life with an open, inquisitive attitude. These qualities are key for young people to possess to thrive in our increasingly interconnected world.

More in this series:

12 Ways Montessori Schools Are Different From Traditional Schools