The Montessori Method – Children Learn Best in Social Environments

The Montessori approach encourages socializing and learning with other students, providing ‘liberty within limits.’ How is this achieved? While children are free to explore and learn from a variety of activities, they are not permitted to run wild. Grace and courtesy are fostered in each student, and children are encouraged to respect each other. Students use “please” and “thank you” as they socialize with others.

In a Montessori environment, children are given many opportunities to work together, including:

  • Small groups at the learning stations throughout the classroom.
  • Gathered together in a large group for circle time – during this activity, children share stories about their own lives and learn how to listen to both the other students and the teacher with respect and consideration.
  • Other large group activities including singing, dancing, and playing games together.

The Montessori philosophy is that a social environment filled with developmentally appropriate materials open to exploration offers the best environment to encourage each child’s unique development.

More in this series:

12 Ways Montessori Schools Are Different From Traditional Schools